The Amateur's Kitchen - Beer and Seafood Pasta

 "The greatest gift I ever had came from God; I call him Dad!"
    - Anonymous

Project: Eat

     If you would ask where I got my interest in cooking and food from, it would be from Pappy.
     Pappy is my food buddy. He sometimes has violent reactions when I get to let him taste food from fancy restaurants, but because we have trust in each others' taste buds, he ends up loving them! Haha! In turn, he'd be my taste-tester every time I cook and will frankly give all his comments on them.

     And so for fathers' day (though Pappy's not around), I fancied cooking pasta with one of most of the daddies crave for - BEER.

     I find this beer-based pasta sauce "bittersweetly" delicious. Its malty flavor was full bodied sans the bitter taste of beer. Oh, and the aroma while I was simmering its way out? Oooh, how the boys will love it!

Beer and Seafood Pasta

Pasta Linguine
1/4 block of butter
olive oil
3/4 can of Red Horse beer (oh, you can enjoy the quarter of it!)
cloves of garlic, chopped
half a bulb of onion, chopped
shrimps, shelled
squid, cut into rings
a fillet of blue marlin, cut into strips
tomato sauce
lemon juice
garlic powder
dried basil
salt n' pepper
onion leaves
grated Parmesan cheese

Cook pasta according to package directions.

On a skillet, saute in half of the garlic and onions in butter until soft. Add beer until simmering. Cook seafood until colors change. Set aside.

On the same skillet, simmer in remaining garlic and onions on the beer-butter mixture. Mix in tomato sauce, lemon juice, garlic powder, dried basil, salt and pepper and simmer.

Toss in cooked pasta, plate, and garnish with grated cheese.
