Mama's Day

"If the whole world were put into one scale, and my mother in the other, the whole world would kick the beam."
                 ~Lord Langdale (Henry Bickersteth)

Project: Mommy

Thank you Mama, that for twenty seven years your motherly love has never faltered. We admit we always wonder what the house would be if you weren't around - stinky? ewwy? quiet? (kidding!)

We are thankful for your motherly care the most. Your outstretched hands and tight hugs and motherly advices are what made us whole. We see how you stood still and fulfilled your role despite all the adversities and animosities. We see how you and Papa struggle on giving us the comfort you think that we deserve. Still, you gave us more than that.

We saw you at your best, we saw you at your worst. It is definitely high time the Tres Marias start to give back what you deserve and more.

Do remember this Mama: Ohana. This, which means family in the Hawaiian language, emphasizes that family are bound together and members must remember one another.

Ohana Mama. We will always be here for you and love you and protect you.

Happy Mothers' Day Mama!
