"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
~ Confucius
I spent the whole day locked up in my bedroom today. This solitary confinement is rather on the literal part only. Thanking the invention that is Wi-Fi, I am transported to a whole new world that is social networking.
Ah, the goodness-slash-downside of isolation - a lot of things popped from my little head today. One of it is contemplating on something that I used to love.
It was a first-time stint, that joining a panel. It was the first time that I enjoyed a task. It was the first time that I felt so confident on a "job" related to something I love - programming. I felt my self-esteem boost up... something I never felt since I entered San Miguel.
How I wish I was still on it when all that program logic tangled my little brains up. The enthusiastic feeling of solving cases, generating tables and forms and formulating queries was a drug I can't get over especially when the program actually worked! Ah, this panel discussion brought me back to my school days when all the computer subjects were easy-A, modesty aside.
Gah, why didn't I push through with IT back in college days! (sad face)
After the defense, Jeff offered me to take the instructing part-time, 5 p.m.
I wanted to. How I wanted it so bad, but here I am tied up between reality and a fantasy just like where I was when I had to choose a course in college. Oh how can I combine you two? I am desperate!
Confucius, your words, you do make me confused.
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